Day 2: Basic HTML

We just finished a presentation (available via the resources) on basic HTML (or HyperText Markup Language). In addition to some of the pieces of software we mentioned in day 1, I wanted to mention a few other resources to get you started.

While you can edit HTML in Notepad, you might find it a little easier on the eyes to use a code editor like Notepad++. This is the primary editor that I’ve been using in the demonstrations.

If you’re looking for a reference on HTML, here are a few good ones:

Day 1: Hardware and Software Basics

We completed our first day of training. You can access the slides online via skydrive.

In addition to the slides, we covered some of the basics of Word that are useful for learning web development, namely the use of Word’s styling system.

You can access the course links as a portal for getting more information about creating things on the web. We also discussed some software to look at, namely:

Tomorrow, we’ll get started with the basics for HTML and CSS and the web.

Technical Training

Welcome! If you’re here, it means you want to learn more about what I’ve been teaching to the volunteers at Merundoi. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to cover a few topics in technology, namely:

  • Basics of computer hardware and maintenance
  • Introduction to Microsoft Office Suite
  • Software tips for web site creation
  • Basic web design

I’ll keep you updated with course materials and other information as we go along.